Friday, August 31, 2007

Meet Coco-no-nuts

Meet our new little bull calf Coco-no-nuts.....Picture isn't that good but at least you can get a glimpse of him. He will soon be a steer.....hence the name ...LOL. I know, sick sense of humor. His mama's name is Coco so he is named after her.

I had to share this picture of my 2nd oldest grandson. He was with his cousin in the play yard & decided it would be funny to put his sweaty little face into the sand they had piled up on the slide. He proudly came to show me the results. Naturally I had to take a picture. He thought he was coming in the house to wash up......sorry bud to the garden hose we went.

I am feeling creative again & had reorganized....or am almost done reorganizing my room so it is more functional. I think that is why I haven't been very creative....I felt closed in. I am almost done and have a few projects up my sleeve. Today in between changing out irrigation I will try to finish the room & make a couple of things. I will post as soon as I get a chance. Good day to you all!


Laura said...

He looks like he has gnats all over him. Ick!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah the outside hose worked real well.
What a cutie!!!!

Laura said...

Oh, forgot to mention. I love the names you give your animals. Girl you are creative!!!! That's why I love ya!

Kari said...

Organization is KEY to my ability to create!! Glad to hear you've gotten your mojo back ... can't wait to see what you come up with!

Brandy said...

Cute kid--I think you forgot to tell me something here!

I think I went a little deep in my Blog! I just couldn't help it. I felt right writing it. Anyways, I love ya chick and I am giving you and Daddie-O a big hug right now! I love you guys!