Have a Happy Friday!!
EDIT: My friend Rachele (http://www.theinkboutique.blogspot.com/) sent me this email....You could always do what I do and mail your cards to Dawn. Dawn forwards the cards to her DH in Iraq who gives them out to troops to send home to their loved ones...just a thought.
ME and my kids made about 20 cards last year and sent them and they were all returned with a note telling us that due to heightened security all mail notaddressed to a specific soldier was being returned. We were VERYdisappointed. Please take a moment and forward this to everyone you mighthave asked to do this as unfortunately it won't serve the soldiers we carefor. There is a charity called Cards for Soldiers and you can get themcards which they send to active military in foreign countries, so this mightbe a better use of your time. Thanks for reading!From My Heart,Rachele FunkPreserving and Creating Memories Close To Your Heart!