Tuesday, April 14, 2015

I have been absent for awhile dealing with grand kids, life and new adventures.  On February 20th, 2015 I was blessed to join a family of people who's core belief is to share and make people happy.

Not only have I become a much happier person , I love that I am able to share this experience with others.

I am still playing with my Copics and paper crafting but I will be throwing a few things in from my new adventure.

I also took a class from jessicasprague.com called Typeology which was fantastic....LOVED, LOVED, LOVED that class.  If you are new to scrapbooking or want to learn how to use photoshop, this is the gal for you. She has an awesome website, support team and the videos are yours for life when you take the class.  She even has some free classes to try out....

Have a Fantastic HAPPY day!

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